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Free Trial

Start your free 1-month trial today. Cancel anytime. We’ll send you a reminder 7 days before your trial ends.

How it works

Fill in the form below (don't worry, we won’t spam you with ads)


We will provide you access to your own Niit system and some informative materials via email.  This is the start of your 30-day free trial.


Test the system for a whole month with your own data using software that is created especially for you. (Knowing that we guarantee the security of your data).


If you have any questions, our Support Team will be in touch quickly.


7 days before end of your trial, we’ll send you a reminder.


If , after the 30-day trial you are satisfied with the software, we will charge you according to the Rate Card.


Soon after that, you will receive an email with a proposal from our support team to help with your team onboarding process.

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