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Coding Station

Meet our next-gen project planning and finance
management tool

What you will get

Centralised client and vendor condition database; 

System that provides easy control over your client campaigns;

An incredibly convenient invoicing system;

Direct synchronisation with your company's accountancy system;

Convenient commitment execution supervision for media directors;

Real-time financial data reports;

and many more features.






media directors
Image by Andrew Neel


All your contracts
organised in a central catalogue

A guaranteed budget execution tracker

No more endless Excels, emails, notes, and confusion – all your agreements and contracts in one centralised database.

Commitment execution control used to be a time-consuming process and usually one characterised by huge delays. With Niit it’s never been more simple – just register your commitments and follow the executions in  real - time.

Real-time finance

Supervision of teams workflows

Save countless hours of gathering data from many spreadsheets just to get a situation overview – simply open Niit and follow the numbers in real - time!

No need to wonder who is doing what, how overloaded the team is or who is making a particular media plan – Niit has all the answers you need.

AVB calculator and 


We know how complex commission deals can be. But we found a convenient way to control every cent. Register–track–invoice : it's just that simple.

Partner catalogue and important dates

From client and vendor names, to addresses, emails and birthdays - just enter all the information into Niit and you’ll never forget a thing.

media planners


Image by Annie Spratt

All the necessary info

in briefs

Project finance estimates
and status updates

Receiving a brief that contains all the information you need to create a media plan? Yes, at Niit, that’s actually possible.

Pre-defined clients, vendors and conditions makes the planning process super efficient. We’ve also eliminated confusion when it comes to the status of a particular media plan – you will receive a notification whenever the plan is approved!

Overview of client and vendor conditions

Excellent invoice management

Convenient campaign dashboard

We know how tough it is to keep an eye on all your media plans. With the Niit dashboard your campaigns will automatically be sorted by status – whether they are still in planning, already live or concluded.

Partner catalogue and importants dates

No need to remember each client's conditions in a particular media. All the latest updates will always be right at your fingertips in the media plan.

In case your responsibility is handling vendor invoices, we’ve got you covered – Niit provides an incredibly intuitive system that links invoices invoices to their respective media plans.

From client and vendor names, to addresses, emails and anniversaries – just enter all the
information into Niit and you’ll never forget a thing.This feature is especially useful for new employee onboarding.




invoicing system

Brand managers can invoice their clients directly from the campaign. Accountants are able to supervise all invoice processes with

Centralised invoice

Both – income and expense invoices are gathered in a database that is accessible to any staff members who have access to it.

Invoice transfer to your accountancy system

Transfer to your accounting program with a single
click. An impressive time saver that eliminates extra data input and the need
to correct human errors.

Overview of campaign financial statuse

Invoice linking
to projects

Team autonomy allows accountants to focus on 
their own work

In order to better organise your financial month, the bookkeeper will have access to all the projects in the system, including a presentation of past data and forecasting.

We all know our biggest time - wasters : managing monthly invoices, investigations and  corrections. Niit has invented an intuitive solution for organizing invoices by campaign, eliminating mismatches and saving you an enormous amount of time.

Since account managers can invoice their own clients, planners can take care of expenses, and directors can autonomously access financial reports, accountants can finally focus on bookkeeping.

heads of planning deps



A convenient overview of
all media plans

No more shifting through countless Excel files. With Niit you are always just a couple of clicks away from access to any media plan needed.

Real-time financial

Get 24/7 access to real-time data. Preparing status update reports for managers is easier than ever.

Accurate goal

We know how confusing it is to have KPIs but no actual tools to measure progress. With Niit simply open the Guarantees section and see the targets set by the media director.

Convenient supervision
of team workflow

What’s the best way to organise your team' s workflow?  A single centralised dashboard with each employee’s status!
This is exactly what Niit provides.

A convenient way to organise

planned & current cost flows

Thanks to a special system that links vendor invoices directly to media plans, preparing monthly post-factum estimates is a piece of cake!

A streamlined
onboarding process

Replacing a team member and onboarding new staff is always is a bit of a clumsy process, mostly because of a poor information flow. With Niit just add the relevant information, provide your new team member with the relevant access and let them get to work.

Account managers


Image by Rodeo Project Management Software


Just choose the media type, complete the brief form and send it to the media planner. If unexpected corrections arise – edit the same brief and the media planner will receive a notification about the updates. It’s as simple as that.

Project status overview

We can only imagine how many projects you have to manage. Niit will give you an overview of which media plans are still in planning, which ones have been submitted, which are live and which have concluded.

Client budget
execution overview

financial reports

Do you also struggle to stay up-to-date with the budget commitments of your clients? Thankfully, with Niit this is no longer an issue – just register them in the system and follow the updates at any time.

Which client? How much? In which media? One click in Niit and you’ll have all the answers.

Autonomous client billing

Given how dynamic the work of brand managers usually is, waiting for someone to send you something can be frustrating. Now you can achieve total independence over your client billing with Niit.

Client database and substitution

From now on being on a vacation will actually mean enjoying your time off. Handing over your clients and tasks with Niit is straightforward and effortless.

Business owners




All agencies under

one umbrella

If you are running more than one agency, maintaining efficiency within the system can be time-consuming. Niit can help you centralise all your agencies within one convenient ecosystem, maintaining the
security and independency of each agency.

24/7 real-time financial reporting

We know just how much time it takes to gather monthly reports from each agency. What Niit could provide you with 24/7 access to real-time data and eliminate the need to wait for reports? You’re welcome!

Autonomous access to
any information needed

For especially inquisitive business owners, we provide the ability to access any media plan in any agency at any time.

Centralised monitoring of partner commitments

Significant time savings   with over many processes

Proactivity and control

The biggest issue that agency groups face, is proper monitoring of budget agreement execution. It’s not only time-consuming, but usually delayed. Not anymore. With Niit, events happen in real - time.

When many people are involved in one task, it takes a lot of time. With Niit data such as monthly reports, execution overviews, invoice payment updates, and other strategic calculations become autonomously accessible data that you can use whenever you need it.

From now on, imagine that all the information you need regarding agency operational flows, is accessible 24/7. What more could you want?

Start your free 1-month trial today

No commitment, no fees, no problems. 
Cancel at any time.

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